And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." -Mark 16:15
As children of Christ, we are commanded to share the Gospel with the world - with ALL of God's creation. In Jesus' day, that usually meant travelling far and wide to distant lands in order to expose the greatest number of people to the Word of God. Today, traveling the world can be as simple and easy as walking out your front door or making a trip to the grocery store. The world is in our backyards. Family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, business contacts and more - these are our world. The nations have come to us! Be willing to go out to them!

LBC Pantry
In the early months of 2018, the Lord placed a burden on the hearts of our Missions Team to find a way to help provide for the families in our community that were going through some form of food insecurity. With the Lord's guidance, that burden blossomed into the LBC Pantry, providing non-perishable goods to a host of families throughout our community in an effort to spread the love of Christ. While the format of our program has evolved, the mission and goal remains the same. Our program began with serving only seven families but has grown exponentially and now often serves more than one hundred families of rural Clarke County. Eligible families are qualified to receive a variety of canned and boxed goods to help sustain them through difficult times. Families must meet income or other requirements in order to receive these items. The food provided through this ministry will certainly help to meet physical needs, but our true goal is to provide spiritual nourishment to draw our community closer to Christ!

ESL Instruction
2019 saw the beginning of a new ministry for our small country church. What had been a much prayed for ministry for our pastor, the late Bill Faircloth, this ministry became reality when the first English as a Second Language (ESL) class began in mid-2019. Reaching out to our local Chinese community, the ESL course taught at LBC teaches conversational English by way of study of God's Word. Our first class graduated in January 2020. We are excited about what the future holds for this ministry!